Join the Market
Interested in becoming a vendor at the Capital City Farmers Market?
Applications are accepted year-round, and reviewed by the CCFM board for approval when received. Follow these steps to apply:
First, please carefully review the CCFM Rules and Requirements, linked below. Once you’re certain you meet the requirements for locally-produced goods and owner attendance, among others, fill out the application below. Have questions about the application, or need a printable version? Email us at manager@montpelierfarmersmarket.com.
Interested in volunteering your time during market days?
We would love to have you! We couldn’t make the market run smoothly or as safely without our dedicated volunteers. Not only will you enjoy the feeling of supporting your local food supply, but you’ll be thanked with market credit, a market tote bag (when available) and a huge manager smile every week!
Join our amazing team!